AWS Multitier Architecture
Summary of the tasks:
Step 0: Inspect the architecture 00:02:23
Step 1: Create a Cloud9 IDE 00:05:49
Step 2: Get the Project Assets 00:07:51
Step 3: Install a LAMP web server on CLoud9 IDE 00:08:49
Step 4: Create a MySQL RDS database instance 00:13:15
Step 5: Create an Application Load Balancer 00:20:53
Step 6: Importing the data into the RDS database 00:25:18
Step 7: Configure the system parameters in Parameter Store Systems Manager 00:38:20
Step 0: Inspect the architecture
Inspect the example VPC.
Inspect the subnets.
Inspect the Security Groups.
Inspect the AMI.
Step 1: Create a Cloud9 IDE
Step 2: Get the Project Assets
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Extract the files to the Apache www folder:
chown ec2-user
unzip -d /var/www/html/
Step 3: Install a LAMP web server on Amazon Linux 2
LAMP (Linux, Apache HTTP server, MySQL database, and PHP) stack Original tutorial for LAMP Stack Tutorial: Install a LAMP web server on Amazon Linux 2
sudo yum -y update
sudo amazon-linux-extras install -y lamp-mariadb10.2-php7.2 php7.2
sudo yum install -y httpd mariadb-server
sudo systemctl start httpd
sudo systemctl enable httpd
sudo systemctl is-enabled httpd
Open port 80 from the security group of the Cloud9 EC2 instance
Get the cloud9 EC2 public instance IP address and test that you can access the website
Step 4: Create a MySQL RDS database instance
with the following specifications.
Create a db subnet group
Databasetype: MySQL
Template: Dev/Test
DBinstanceidentifier: Example - DB instance size: db.t3.micro
Storage type: General Purpose (SSD)
Allocatedstorage: 20GiB - Storageautoscaling: Enabled
Standbyinstance: Enabled
Virtualprivatecloud: ExampleVPC
Databaseauthenticationmethod: Passwordauthentication
Initialdatabasename: exampledb
Enhanced monitoring: Disabled
Step 5: Create an Application Load Balancer
Create target group
Create an auto scaling group
Lunch Web Instances in the private subnet
Step 6: Importing the data into the RDS database
_Importing the data into the RDS database instance from CLoud9 or by accessing the web instance via bastion host
get the SQLDump file:
connect to the RDS database, run this command:
mysql -u admin -p --host <rds-endpoint>
- Test that you can access the RDS DB
use exampledb;
show tables;
- Import the data into the RDS database.
mysql -u admin -p exampledb --host <rds-endpoint> < Countrydatadump.sql
Test the ALB
- Test data was imported
use exampledb;
show tables;
select * from countrydata_final;
Step 7: Configure the system parameters in Parameter Store Systems Manager
Add the following parameters to the Parameter Store and set the correct values:
/example/database exampledb